John Love, artist, songwriter and producer from Gothenburg with a vision of creating a musical experience that combines the organic sounds from the 60-80s and the more modern styles such as pop-soul, indie-rock and electronica.
When John Love plays live you can hear soulful vocals combined with warm guitar tones, slick basslines, delicate keys and groovy drum beats.
The summer of 2022 John Love and his band will be playing live with music from debut-EP Impressions and songs from the new upcoming EP which is set to be released at the start of summer.
På scen cirka kl. 23:00. Nattklubb till kl. 03 efter konserten. Fri entré före kl. 23 i mån av plats, 100kr efter. 2 för 1 med dagsaktuellt kvitto från Far i Hatten